Money raised from this fundraiser will benefit
United Jewish Community programs.
This event is free to attend.
We will have unique and talented artisans and craftsmen as well as popular business brands.
Try some authentic Jewish foods for lunch and a snack while visiting with the vendors!

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List of 2024 vendors!
- Abeille & Co.
- AJ Designs
- Alleycatness Creations
- Amazingly Focused Designs
- Beach2Country
- Butters N Stuff
- C & C Candle Co.
- Charmingand2cute
- Creations by Jester
- Designs By Me and Mom
- Diamond Painting Bling Art
- Dowlings Wood & Crafts
- DST Creationz
- Eli Woodcrafts
- Embroidery by Sherri
- Epicure
- GodGlorified Creations
- Goodies Gifts and Grabs
- Graceful Gems
- Jan's Kraft Corner
- Karebear Creations
- Karmic Fire Home Decor & Jewelry
- Katzalot Pen Works
- KD Infinity Jewelry
- Lizziebelle Boutique
- Mary Kay
- Ohio's Home
- Origami Owl
- Pampered Chef
- Paparazzi
- Peaceoftheseallc
- Scentsy
- Stewart Goodwin, Author
- Stitcheswithbri
- T.SimoneDesign
- The Pearl Society
- The Towel Lady VA
- Thirty-One
- U Rock Art
- U Rock Sticker Fun
- V's Crafts
- Young living Essential Oils
This list will be updated as vendors complete the signup process.
Page last modified Saturday, 02-Mar-2024 13:24:28 CST