Demolay Wonderfest: Holiday Marketplace 4 Event Planning Home ... Wonderfest Home

Money raised from this fundraiser will benefit
The Tidewater Demolay.
  • This event is held at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center located at 65 Saunders Rd, Newport News, VA 23601.
  • Directions to the Scottish Rite can be found HERE.

  • Handmade/handcrafted items and direct sales vendors will be accepted.
  • No products involving guns, drug decor or paraphernalia, alcohol, sexual or racial products are permitted.
  • The organization will be providing the main food for this event.
  • Vendors with specialty drinks, baked goods, candies, etc are permitted.
  • All vendors must have an AGREEMENT FORM on file before they can be considered for any event or listed as a backup.

  • All spaces are inside ($40 to $50, depending on size).
  • Payment deadline is listed in your confirmation email, unless arrangements are made ahead of time.
  • If you have a space preference or special reqquest, make your payment and request early.
  • There are NO REFUNDS for ANY REASON, including if event is canceled due to inclement weather.

    Raffle Donations:
  • Each vendor is to donate an item they sell at their booth with a value of $10 or more.
  • Vendors are permitted and encouraged to play the raffle along with the guests.

    Space Info:
  • There are a total of 51 spaces located in the foyer social hall.
  • Space size is dependant on the available space you choose.
  • Space assignments will be emailed to all vendors the Thursday prior to the event.
  • Tables and chairs are ARE provided. Request a table on space form.
  • Vendors are responsible for the removal of their materials, space # markers, and trash accumulated.

    Event Logistics:
  • Set up: 8:00am to 10:00am
  • Event Times: 10:00am to 3:00pm
  • Tear-Down: 3:00pm to 4:00pm-ish
  • Early tear-downs and no-shows will result in being removed from ALL future shows.
  • Cancellations must be made via email by 6am the day of the show or counted as a no-show.
  • All vehicles must be moved to designated area prior to the show.

  • This event is inside and most likely will not be canceled. It is important that you understand our weather policies and how we track weather and determine cancelations.
  • Please visit our Weather Info Pagefor better understanding.

  • Vendors are expected to assist with advertising through personal contacts, webpages, social media, etc.).
  • Vendors are to share the official Facebook event created by 4EP and NOT to create their own FB Event using 4EP flyer or information.
  • When officially open, the Facebook Event can be found HERE.

    FAILURE TO FOLLOW THROUGH with the vendor requirements could significantly affect future show approvals.



Page last modified Monday, 30-Dec-2024 23:08:50 CST